Wednesday, January 2, 2008

WANTED: a direction for our country

As my first Blog ever, I hope I am able to convey my thoughts as clear as I would like.

We all catagorize ourselves based on terms and lables society has created. Republican, Democrat, conservative, liberal, religous, non-conformist, activist, pacifist, an active pacifist or a passive activist, liberal Republican or a conservative Democrat.

Who cares? what difference does it make what you are called when we all live in the same country and are governed by the same individuals.

We have put people in charge of our country that are more concerned about getting serviced in the oval office than serving from the oval office. We have put people in charge of our country that will fight half way around the world for our protection and best interests, but cannot keep people from illegally entering our country (and I voted for this one, TWICE). 3rd world countries have a better turnout for electing public officials than the country that was founded and created on democracy. Promises made for great change have too often been followed by a disappointing realization that nothing will change. In the last few elections, I have found myself voting against a candidate instead of for one. I have found myself voting, and walking away empty, knowing that everything is going to stay status quo (with more debt and less faith in 'the system').

It is time that we stand up and insist on having people in office that follow the same credo of law officials....... PROTECT AND SERVE. PROTECT the interests of this great nation, and SERVE the citizens that reside here. It is time that we insist that those we elect stop bartering their beliefs, their values, the desires of their constituents for future political gain.

It is time that we as individuals, as people, as countrymen, STAND UP and insist that the politicians step down and those interested in a STRONG government stand up. Note I did not say small, medium, or large government. I said strong government.

*** I do not want this to turn in to a political ad blog. I, intentionally, have not promoted ANYONE running for political office for a reason. I ask that anyone commenting refrain from promoting anyone politically. What I want is.... what I am looking for is.... what America desperatly needs is..... for the people who don't care to start caring, for those with great ideas to begin sharing them, and for those with the ability to lead to stand up. How can we remove the apathy that has gripped us? how can we turn around our political system, without having to go thru another Boston Tea Party?

These are my thoughts, and I am interested in yours......